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Exhaust Systems Can-Am Maverick X3

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HMF Racing Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions

For Models: Maverick X3 (2017-2025)


1. Be sure the vehicle is parked on a level surface with the transmission in the park position.

2. Open the doors.

3. Remove the torx screw from the latch mechanism cover panel and remove the cover.(See Figure #1)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 1

4. Use a 3/16" drill bit to drill out the rivet that holds the strap to the latch.(See Figure #2)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 2


The Can-Am® Maverick X3 has two different latch styles.  Depending on the type of latch you have will dictate where your installation begins.  (See Figure #3)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 3

Latch Style A proceed to Step 1.  
Latch Style B proceed to Step 2.  

1.Flip the original spring so that the side with the long hook is on the latch side.  This will keep the spring from contacting the actuator rod.(See Figure #4)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 4

2. Install the green rod retaining clip (Red for Passenger door) into the 2nd from bottom hole in the door latch, from the back. (See Figure #5)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 5

3. Install one end of the rod into the latch side rod retaining clip from the back side, then rotate the clip up into postition and lock it onto the rod.(See Figure #6)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 6

4. Slide the original door latch cover over the rod and into its original position (Do not install the screw yet)

5. Install supplied door handle mounting bracket as shown in pictures using the original torx bolt, and supplied 6MM bolt washers and nut.  Except where lower door panels are used in which case use existing hardware.(See Figure #7)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 7

6. Slide the supplied shoulder bolt through the door handle and through the hole in the mounting bracket.  Use the 1/4" nylock on the back side of the door handle bracket. Tighten the nut until it bottoms out then back off 1/4 turn so that handle pivots freely.  

7. Install the white clip (drivers side, black for passenger side) into front of door handle then install rod into clip and lock the clip to the rod as shown.(See Figure #8)

Discontinued - Easy-Grip Door Handle, Can-Am® Maverick X3 Instructions - Figure 8
